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In A Dark, Dark Wood
by Ruth Ware

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A secluded glass house in the woods, a small gathering celebrating a bride to be….what could go wrong? Plenty! When a novelist wakes up in hospital with no memories but the fact there was a murder she tries to piece it all together. Good read.

Final Girls
by Riley Sager

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Can’t go wrong with this author. They call them a “final girl,” a sole survivor of a mass murder. Quinn is that girl, unable to retrieve memories of that night. When another “final girl,” seeks her out and befriends her, all is not what it seems. Enjoyed the twists.

The Wicked King
by Holly Black

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Really good book, but I enjoyed the first one more.

Garlic And The Witch
by Bree Paulsen

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My favorite part of this book was when Garlic turned into a human and she and carrot used their magic to make a new, little, garlic and a little, new, carrot.

No Brainer (diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book 18)
by Jeff Kinney

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I liked this book because it was fun to read and it’s funny.

City Of Girls
by Elizabeth Gilbert

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Historical fiction Angela asks Vivian what her relationship with her father was and 600 pages later she answers her after telling her wild life story from the 1930s thru 2000

The Bird Hotel
by Joyce Maynard

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I thought it was a good beach read. Not totally believable, a little fantasy but I like the way it all came together for a happy ending.

by Emma Southon

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Great read!History made ridiculously clear and simple!

The Kingdom Of Speech
by Tom Wolfe

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Interesting curation of human speech milestones written by the master.

The Woman In Cabin 10
by Ruth Ware

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Murder mystery aboard a luxury yacht travel journalist insists she heard someone pushed overboard